Joseph and His Amazing Technicolour Dreamcoat - Sign Up Form
GDPR Statement
In order to administer the society efficiently certain personal data must be stored and utilised to ensure compliance with the society consistution. GDPR rules state that this must be done in a transparent manner and we must get permission off each member that we are allowed to store their personal details and other relevant data for use by the society for a number of activities.
As a society we store the information given on audition forms that comprises mainly of personal address, date of birth etc. along with school authority and school attended if a member of the Youth section. We also, during the course of the rehearsals, take and store images and video that is relevant to the production and can be shared with others as a rehearsal tool and also to the wider general public for marketing purposes, this can include its usage on forums external to the society.
In order to be a member of the society each member must agree to the above statement and ensure they fill in the privacy sections at the bottom of the above form.